Candidates with a Vision
Jan 30, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Patrick Larenas
Participant candidates pose with Carmichael Chamber leaders after the forum for the District 3 Supervisor election. From left to right: Tiffany Mock of Carmichael, Rich Desmond of Carmichael, Matthew Ceccato of Arden Arcade, Gregg Fishman of Arden Arcade stand with Jim Alves, Carmichael Chamber of Commerce President and Stephanie Young Carmichael Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. Photo by Patrick Larenas
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) – The Carmichael Chamber of Commerce hosted a forum for candidates running for Sacramento County’s 3rd District Supervisor on Tuesday, January 28. The forum was led and moderated by Paul Scholl, publisher of the Carmichael Times and Kathleen Pexa of Farmers Insurance. The candidates spoke about the pressing concerns the next District Supervisor will have to tackle at the Board of Supervisors.
The candidates attending the forum were Tiffany Mock, business administrator; Gregg Fishman, SMUD board member; Rich Desmond, retired CHP chief; and Matthew Ceccato, District Director for the Office of Congressman Ami Bera. Candidate Catrayel Wood could not attend the forum.
Scholl asked the candidates to speak about three important matters concerning the district: the rising homelessness crisis, the condition of roads and the length of time for small business to get licenses and permits.
Advancing very humane perspectives, there was wide agreement among the candidates on many issues, including that the County had been focusing on other priorities.
“There is a bureaucratic and organizational challenge to get the distinct agencies sufficiently coordinated and consistent enough to make large changes and provide a more customer oriented approach,” said Desmond.
Ceccato spoke for a “comprehensive homeless plan that will support those with mental health problems in getting their dignity back and earning their own paychecks in the many jobs California has to offer.”
Mock made a point saying, “Much of the money spent on the homeless is being spent incarcerating people with mental health problems and waste clean-up that can be done otherwise.”
Fishman noted, “The District’s lack of incorporation presents both a structural, economic element that needs more money and a cultural problem that needs a more common sense approach.”
Scholl thanked the participants and said, “We are very lucky to have such high quality candidates.”
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